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The first image has great shadowing and an appealing style, the second panel is intense and the effects do well to showcase that, the final piece is something of a Lvl.99 Mafia Boss troll that I can't help but admire.

In the same way the creator can only build in his limited place Jordan could only express his creativity through videos, and like The Creator's paint leaves marks Jordan's impact can be seen and experienced well beyond the confines of his mind and his now, sadly, deleted videos.

It is my opinion that an artist, of any nature, has the responsibility to preserve their creations no matter how pitiful or disgusting they are in your eyes. It is this self judgement that has led to the loss of what could have been some of the most extraordinary works.

Art matters. And you, a creator, matter all the more because of that.

Sarah-The-Dreameater responds:

thank you so much for your kind words <3 it really means a lot that someone else understands how valuable created works are and how sometimes we become our own worst critics at times, and how destructive it can be.

That link doesn't work and I'd love to commission my dude

DarkJazmin11 responds:

Well you can send me a message.

I like the simplicity and color choices. Nice little piece my dude, keep this up.

MS360 responds:

thanks for the feedback!

Not familiar with fire emblem but hot damn, she's damn hot! I love these soft colors and flirtacious look! I dislike the trope of adding sweat/wettness to sexual art so this is a pleasant surprise.Do you take commissions per chance?

SplashBrush responds:

Thanks a lot (:
I don't take commissions at the moment though, sorry.

If an animator needed a reccomendation for a guy to design characters, or an author needed illustrations, I now feel confident enough to say"I know a guy".

Everything about this mouse says warrior, I love his armour and weapons, his scars and exaggerated body, and the detail. I especially like the tally marks on his teeth and his nose piercing. I especially love that background detail, those clouds and that perspective make me wish you added to the rest of the sky and did more with the moon but it surely doesn't take away from this.

How long did it take to finish this? if you don't mind my asking.

Kkylimos responds:

Woah thanks for the kind words friend! About the background, the contest does not allow for elaborate backgrounds, it's strictly a character design competition. I pushed it with the nest and all for the sake of storytelling but I doubt they would accept the artwork if I worked more on it. But yeah, contest aside, it would be be better to expand on it. Im not sure how long it took exactly because I painted it in between other stuff and changed my direction several times but Im thinking somewhere between 6 or 7 hours. Thanks again :D

I rated your other pieces earlier but I just saw this huge error on an otherwise beautiful piece. Her hand is a bit stretched on that breast, and it's really unfortunate because everything else about this piece is just beautiful.

It really feels like the distortion of picasso and the humor and style of MAD magazine had a fever child.

TheMarooned responds:

Haha Holy shit, I think thats one of the coolest complements I've ever gotten, Thanks so much dude! <3

I'm a huge fan of psychadelic art man and this definitely gives off that vibe it feels like 70s 80s comix. Keep on creating these doodles

Huuuge fan of pixel art here I love the colors and character design bery well done

I like helping others, probably why I'm training to be an MA. I love art just as much as people though, whether it be a song, film, story, or painting I'm one who appreciates all forms of creativity!
Keep on creating! Art matters! You matter!

David @DoctNik

Age 24, Male

Student MA

Phoenix JobCorps, got my HSE

Arizona, USA

Joined on 1/9/16

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